Springhill Neighborhood
Near the Springhill neighborhood in Gainesville Florida, there is a small 4.4 acre park with a water retention pond that is a popular place to recreate and to observe wildlife. Springhill Community Park is run by Gainesville City Parks. Residents in the area collaborated with Gainesville City Parks, University of Florida’s Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, and IFAS Extension to install an educational sign that has 5 educational panels that discuss wildlife around a pond, bird habitat, invasive exotics, landscaping with native plants , and backyard pollinators. These panels are rotated throughout the year by Gainesville City Parks.
INaturalist: Residents in the Springhill neighborhood are monitoring plants and animals in the area with the iNaturalist program and their iNaturalist project can be found here. If interested in participating in the iNaturalist project, contact Dr. Mark Hostetler (hostetm@ufl.edu) .
Restoration Activities: Once the COVID-19 situation gets better, restoration activities, such as planting natives and removing litter from the pond, is planned for the area. If interested in learning more about the neighborhood park, becoming involved in the iNaturalist neighborhood project, and even doing restoration, please contact the Springhill neighborhood president Monica Fraizer (mmmims@hotmail.com) and Mark Hostetler (hostetm@ufl.edu).