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Living Green

Living Green

Living Green is a half-hour TV show that helps individuals understand what it means to be "living green" in their own communities. Currently, there is a push in both the public and private sectors to implement design and management strategies that take into account socioeconomic variables, while conserving natural resources for future generations.

A cross-section of society (including homeowners, developers, planners, and politicians) makes day-to-day decisions that impact our natural resources, and ultimately determines the health of a community. These groups interact in unique ways to affect the use and conservation of water, energy, and plants and animals. The focus of this show is to illustrate "green" design and management practices within and around urban areas.

Become a Sponsor

Each sponsor is recognized on the website and on the TV program. To become a sponsor, please contact:

Mark Hostetler, Ph.D. 
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
University of Florida
215 Newins-Ziegler Hall
P.O. Box 110430
Gainesville, FL 32611-0430
Phone: (352) 846-0568
Fax: (352) 392-6984

Original website content and design created by Mark Hostetler, Elizabeth Swiman, and Sarah Webb Miller.