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Living Green

Living Green

Renewable Energy

Episode Sponsors

  • International Paper Foundation
  • Southern Agriculture Research and Education Group (USDA)
  • Progress Energy
  • Renewable Resources Extension Act
  • Gainesville Regional Utilities

Learn more about Living Green sponsorship. This episode and others are available for purchase on DVD

Episode Details

Energy is a hot topic in today's society, especially as we have seen the current rise in fuel costs and the increased awareness that fossil fuels are dwindling. In this episode, join Dr. Mark Hostetler as he explores where our current energy comes from, recent advances in renewable energies (biodiesel and solar power), and how businesses can conserve energy. You'll learn about hydrogen fuel-cell technology; how to create biodiesel in your backyard; how solar power technologies are used in schools (and a unique application in a state park); and how companies can incorporate energy-saving strategies in their day-to-day operations.

Original website content and design created by Mark Hostetler, Elizabeth Swiman, and Sarah Webb Miller.