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Living Green

Living Green

Invasive Exotics

Awards & Recognition

Broadcast Media: Communicator Award of Honorable Mention (2006)

Episode Sponsors

  • International Paper Foundation
  • Southern Agriculture Research and Education Group (USDA)
  • Progress Energy
  • Renewable Resources Extension Act
  • Gainesville Regional Utilities

Learn more about Living Green sponsorship. This episode and others are available for purchase on DVD

Episode Details

This episode focuses on the importance of controlling invasive exotic plants, insects, and animals. Join host Dr. Mark Hostetler as he discusses the importance of controlling the spread of invasive exotics, including introduced plants (Chinese tallow trees, wild taro, water hyacinths, and melaleuca trees), fire ants, and even released pets such as the large Nile monitor lizard. You'll also learn about ways to control invasive species in their own communities.

  • Episode Resources

    This and other videos are available for purchase on DVD. You will also find useful information in the following resources:

Original website content and design created by Mark Hostetler, Elizabeth Swiman, and Sarah Webb Miller.