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Living Green

Living Green


Mulching refers to organic or inorganic material that can be used in your garden or landscape in areas that are hard to maintain or prone to erosion. Mulching has many benefits:

  • Reduces water loss due to evaporation
  • Prevents run-off and erosion
  • Reduces weeds
  • Moderates the soil temperature
  • How to Get Mulch

    Recycle your yard trimmings
    Grass clippings, leaves/pine needles, and tree trimmings can all be chopped up and reused rather than thrown away. This free mulch is the most environmentally-sound and least expensive way of returning nutrients to the soil. If you have more than you need, share with a neighbor!

    Yard waste that is collected and ground for residents
    Free mulch is often available from your utility company or at your local landfill.

    Purchase bagged mulch
    Mulch can be purchased at most home improvement stores and nurseries. To determine how many bags you may need, consult the Florida Yards & Neighborhoods workbook Maximize Mulch section.

    Note: Say NO to Cypress Mulch! Bag labels often claim that cypress mulch has a natural resistance to pests. While this is true of old-growth cypress trees, it is not true of younger trees, which are more commonly shredded for mulch.

  • How to Use Mulch

    Mulching is one of the easiest steps in maintaining your garden or landscape as well as providing an element of color and texture to complement your plantings.

    • Add a two or three inch layer of mulch around plants and trees. Be sure to keep the mulch a few inches away from the base of the plants and tree trunks to prevent rotting
    • Replenish the mulch once or twice a year to maintain the two to three inch depth
    • Beware of mulching the trimmings from invasive exotic species because it may spread the seeds
    • Never throw excess clippings or mulch down the storm drain. This can facilitate the migration of plant species and clog drains

Original website content and design created by Mark Hostetler, Elizabeth Swiman, and Sarah Webb Miller.